The Dominion Post

When I climbed the hill to the tiny flat I’d rented for a month in Villefranche-sur-Mer and looked out over one of the Riviera’s most beautiful bays, I remembered Mrs Wickham, my third-form French teacher. « Bon jewer, » she pronounced each morning. « Come ant allay...


“…I was in France and no one would speak to me in anything but French. Not only that, they expected me to talk back to them in their own language. The people were, in fact, teachers at the Institut de Français in Villefranche-sur-Mer, a small town overlooking one of...


“… During the first week of the “Total Approach” French language course at the Institut de Français, a fellow student endeared himself to the teaching staff when he came to class and gleefully exclaimed (in French, of course), “this total immersion stuff really works!...

The Globe and Mail

“… The Institut de Français, here on the Côte d’Azur, has a reputation as one of the world’s most intensive year-round schools in spoken French. Friends chortled knowingly when I told them that I was going to brush up my French on the Riviera, little did they, or I,...

Financial Time

… I am enrolled in the month-long French language immersion course at the institute, housed in an elegant Provençal villa set within orange tree gardens on a high-terraced hillside above the Mediterranean. Our modern classroom overlooks the deep blue bay of...